Advanced Tools in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you host your Internet sites within a semi-dedicated hosting account from our firm, you'll find a number of practical tools included in our custom Hepsia CP. We have made certain that the tools are as effortless to use as possible, so if you don't have any experience with managing websites, you can still use them effortlessly. It takes just a few clicks to make a sitemap in a search engine friendly format, limit the access to any Internet site accommodated inside your semi-dedicated account by blocking IP addresses or setting up a password, create a .htaccess file with a number of server directives through very simple drop-down menus or forward any domain hosted in the account to a URL of your choice. We have also made the management of the PHP configuration of the account noticeably more simple compared with other Control Panels since you can employ a point-and-click interface as opposed to editing the server php.ini file manually.
Advanced Tools in Dedicated Servers Hosting
The Hepsia Control Panel, which is one of the choices to manage the web content on your dedicated server, is jam-packed with state-of-the-art, although extremely simple to use instruments that'll offer you far better control over your Internet sites. They all come with a particularly intuitive point-and-click interface and every task they permit you to do will take just a few mouse clicks to complete. Generating a sitemap for any site hosted on the server, creating password protection for any folder, forwarding a website and blocking out an IP address or an entire IP set from accessing your sites are simply a couple of examples of the things you'll be able to do with ease whatever your level of experience. In the event that some script which you want to run has special system requirements in regards to the web server software environment, you will be able to adjust the PHP settings via a simple-to-use tool also and you shall not need to edit the php.ini file manually as you'll have to do with other Control Panels, which means that no PHP knowledge will be required on your end.