VPN, which is short for Virtual Private Network, is a means of connecting to a remote hosting server and being able to view online content through it as an alternative to doing it directly. Essentially, the hosting server acts as a proxy, so as long as you have a VPN client on your computer system or smartphone and you type in the necessary login info to be able to connect to the server, you can browse sites or download files that you may not be able to access at all directly. Some sites and online services, for example, are available exclusively in specific countries, therefore in the event that you aren't able to access them, you can use a Virtual private network, or a server, that's located within that country. In this way it will look like you are accessing the service/website from the country and you can get around the restrictions. There are firms that offer VPNs as an individual service, but we've decided to offer the service with our internet hosting plans, which means that if you host your sites on our servers, you could take advantage of the Virtual private network access we provide at no extra cost.

VPN Traffic in Semi-dedicated Hosting

All of our Linux semi-dedicated hosting come with the VPN access service, thus if you want to use it, you can enable it via the VPN section of the Hepsia Control Panel that comes with all accounts. The list of all our hosting servers and the login credentials which you have to use in the VPN client are available within the same section so with a few clicks you can hide your physical location and make it seem like you're in Canada, the Netherlands or each of the locations in which we have VPN servers. That is a terrific way to access internet sites that are blocked in your country or to access services restricted to specific countries without using public proxies. Your location or what you do online shall not be visible since the connection between your personal computer and our system shall be encrypted constantly. If you need quicker access speed, you'll be able to activate our Virtual private network filter and block advertisement banners and any other content which may eat up your traffic or slow your connection.

VPN Traffic in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you obtain one of our Linux dedicated servers hosting and you pick Hepsia as the hosting Cp, you will be able to start using our VPN service with simply a couple of clicks. Within the section devoted to this feature you will locate all access points that we offer across the world plus the login credentials which you ought to use in order to establish the connection between your VPN client and our system. With this service all of your Internet traffic is going to be routed through our servers, therefore if you access any content online, it will appear as if you are in the same country as the server. In this way you could access services which are available exclusively in selected countries or you can bypass any restrictions enforced by your own country on social networks, video portals, etcetera. We also present you with a filter tool, that can block banners and ads and compress standard images on the internet sites that you visit so as to allow you to browse these internet sites quicker and without generating too much traffic from content you don't need.