A solid-state drive (SSD) boosts the performance of any application running on it as compared to a classic hard-disk drive (HDD). The reason is that an SSD works by using a number of interconnected flash memory units, so there are no physical parts to move. In comparison, a hard-disk drive works by using spinning disks and each reading or writing process causes the disks to spin, which means that the speed of an HDD is restricted. Since the cost of the two types of drives are also different, a large number of computer systems and web servers are set up with an SSD for the OS and various applications, and a hard-disk drive for data storage, this way balancing cost and overall performance. A web hosting provider could also use an SSD for caching purposes, so files that are used frequently will be located on this type of a drive for reaching better loading speeds and for reducing the reading/writing processes on the hard disks.

SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Provided you want speed and fantastic performance for your websites, our semi-dedicated hosting accounts will be a really suitable solution as they are created on a cloud platform which employs SSDs for each part of the service - e-mail addresses, databases and files. This way, every site that you host with us will load fast. Similar to other service providers, we also use SSDs for caching, but since all storage drives are solid-state ones, you can take advantage of the top performance at all times and regardless of the nature of your websites. The caching drives are used for load-balancing and all frequently accessed content is copied on them, which both minimizes the load and provides the excellent performance of all Internet sites that load from the main drives. The lifespan of the latter will also be increased since there will be significantly less reading and writing processes on them.