Advanced E-mail Manager
What's an E-mail Manager? What mailbox control possibilities do e-mail managers offer?
Taking care of your electronic communication with ease is ratheressential, so in case you make a a business or a personal website and you would like to exchange e-mail messages with business partners or acquaintances, you should ensure that you've got easy and quick accessibility to all elements that an e-mail service should contain. Just a couple of examples are: auto-responders, e-mail forwarding and e-mail lists, since these features will be handy for your e-mail communication. You can save lots of time and efforts, especially if you do not have much experience but you'd still like to use email addresses with your own private domain rather than a generic third-party email service. Privately owned email addresses look a great deal more convenient and reputable in case you get in touch with potential clients.
Advanced E-mail Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We've set everything relevant to your e-mail addresses handily in a single place in the Email Manager section of our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel, thus when you own a semi-dedicated server package from us, you are able to manage your electronic communication without difficulty. In this particular section, you can see a full list of your mailboxes indexed in alphabetical order, as well as if any of them includes anti-spam protection, forwarding or a catch-all feature activated. If not, you will be able to activate these options with just a click using fast access buttons. You can also manage more complex features such as e-mail lists and SPF protection. The Email Manager will allow you to use the webmail for any email address with several clicks or to download auto-setup files for Outlook or Apple Mail.