When you acquire a web hosting server with the idea to start your personal website hosting company and to resell packages to various people, you may also need to sell domains, in order to give your customers the opportunity to purchase everything they need for their new site from a single place. Being an accredited registrar involves thousands of dollars and tons of documentation, so the most effective solution would be to register for a domain reseller account with a current registrar company. Your reseller website will be linked to that account via the registrar's API. To use such an account has lots of benefits - your customers can acquire and to take care of new domain names effortlessly; the price of a brand new registration will be lower as compared to what you would need to spend as an end customer; last but not least you're able to start reselling without delay. The registrar companies that provide domain reseller accounts almost always require an amount of money as a deposit.

Enom Domain Name Reseller Account in Dedicated Servers Hosting

If you purchase a dedicated server from us with the intention to start reselling the space, you will have an advantage over the competition, since we give a free of charge domain reseller account with all servers which are acquired with the cPanel website hosting Control Panel. In this way, you'll be able to offer over a hundred domain extensions from all over the world, which will make your company more attractive to prospective customers. The account that we'll give you will be with one of the most popular registrar companies on the market - eNom. The advantage of using it rather than registering directly with them or with various other domain provider is the fact that your account will be created under our account with them, and as we use their top package, you won't have to make any deposits and you'll have the chance to register new website names at the cheapest possible price. The eNom account can be integrated with all the popular reseller billing solutions, including ClientExec, which we provide absolutely free with all of the cPanel-equipped servers as well.