FTP, which is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol, is among the most commonly used methods of uploading and downloading files between a PC and a server. Using an FTP program like FileZilla, you can make a connection to your web hosting account and drag & drop files or whole directories in either direction and the software will take care of all the rest. There’re several pros of employing File Transfer Protocol, among them the ability to resume an upload/download if there is a problem with the FTP connection and the possibility to use different FTP accounts. Thanks to the latter option, you can set up FTP users that can connect only to particular folders in your hosting account, but no other folders, e-mail accounts or any other info, which makes it the ideal solution especially when you need to provide a web designer with access, for instance. You can also use an FTP account with famous web design apps such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the Internet sites that you have created straight from them, without the need to make use of 3rd-party software.

FTP Accounts in Semi-dedicated Hosting

You will be able to access your semi-dedicated server account via FTP whatever the plan that you have picked on the order form, since the FTP access is among the standard features that you’ll be able to use. All our packages come with an unlimited FTP account allowance, so you can create as many accounts as you need via the Hepsia hosting Control Panel with which you will be able to administer your website content as well. All the FTP accounts will be shown in alphabetical order in the Control Panel and in case you do not require a specific account any longer, you can just remove it and block individuals who have used it previously from connecting to it again. The latter functionality is especially useful if you use the services of a web designer or if an IT specialist exits the firm and you don’t want them to connect to the web files any longer. An elaborate Help database that contains tutorial video clips will help you administer your FTP accounts if you don’t have any prior experience.