One-Hour Response Guarantee
Would you like to know more about the 1-hour response time guarantee and how you can benefit from it in your capacity as client?
If you ever have any enquiries with regards to the hosting service in general or if you encounter a problem with your sites, you will have to get in touch with the respective hosting company’s help desk support team. It may not make any difference how promptly they will respond when you've got a generic inquiry, but an issue such as a misapplied web app update, for example, may lead to your website becoming broken or invisible on the World Wide Web. And the longer you wait for the support team to help you, the longer the site will be out of order. In case you offer services or goods online, any downtime will unfavorably affect your site and you can lose current or prospective visitors. Lots of web hosting providers, especially resellers, respond to e-mails and tickets within twenty four hours, but in the Internet sphere that’s far too long, as visitors will scarcely ever revisit a website that isn’t functioning properly for prolonged intervals.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We guarantee that if you submit a ticket via your hosting Control Panel or send an email related to your semi-dedicated server, you will get a reply within no more than 60 minutes. You can touch base with us whenever you like with regards to general, technical or billing matters and given that we will be at your service 24x7x365, you’ll invariably get support in a well-timed fashion. Depending on the specific question or issue, we will supply you with more information, eliminate the predicament if it has been caused by something that is within our reach or inform you how to proceed in case you need to tweak a specific setting for a web application that we don’t have access to. You can forget about waiting for a whole day for each single reply. As a matter of fact, in most cases we reply to emails and tickets within twenty to twenty five minutes max.