PostgreSQL is a feature-rich object-relational database control system, that's known for being one of the most secure and reliable systems out there. It's cross-platform (Linux, UNIX, Windows, FreeBSD) and cross-language (PHP, Ruby, Java, Perl, Python), that makes it universal and lots of organizations and companies are already working with it for their products or their own websites - just a couple of examples are Apple, the US Department of Labor, and Skype. The system is open-source and highly customizable, not mentioning that it is superior to other control systems in relation to handling complex operations. Also, the fact that one table could be up to 32 GB in size, while the database size is unlimited, makes PostgreSQL an incredible solution for scalable applications.

PostgreSQL 8.3 Databases in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Taking into consideration the computing power that our Linux semi-dedicated hosting come with, you shall have no problem to run heavy apps that require a PostgreSQL database to keep their data. The PostgreSQL support is available by default for each account, not by demand or as a paid upgrade, so the moment your account is active, you can easily set up a new database with a few clicks inside the PostgreSQL section of your Hepsia Internet hosting Control Panel. Apart from working with a script application to handle the content in such a database, you'll also be able to take advantage of phpPgAdmin - an innovative online tool which shall provide you with total control over all of your databases. With it, you shall be able to export or import any part of your content and run SQL queries using an intuitive graphic web interface.