Although having a website is often defined as simply uploading files to a server and linking a domain to them, the truth is a whole set of services lies under any website which you see online. Just a few examples would be the opportunity to set up and manage databases or e-mail addresses, to access your files using FTP, to check visitor stats and to manage numerous domain records. Each one of these things contributes to your presence online in one way or another and if any of them is missing or is hard to handle, the overall management of your website could become annoying. In this light, it is very important to not only have full control of your hosting space and domains, but also to be capable to manage them easily.

Website Manager in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you have a semi-dedicated server account with our company, we will supply you with a highly effective tool through which you can handle every part of your online presence - our Website Manager. If you are an experienced user, you will appreciate how much time the tool will save you, while if you are a novice, you will enjoy an easy-to-use interface that'll allow you to do anything in several simple steps. You'll be able to edit DNS records, to install an application with our 1-click script installer, to check on visitor stats, to create a new e-mail address, a database or an FTP account through quick-access buttons for each domain address hosted inside the account. The Website Manager tool provides you with the easiness and the control which you need to sustain a productive presence online.