What is Moodle?

When you represent an academic institution and you plan to help make your lessons accessible on the internet, then Moodle ought to be your very first choice. Moodle provides an internet tutoring app that’s developed for educators and tutors, who want to help to make their classes available on the internet.

Due to it’s distinctive audience, Moodle is designed to be convenient to use by the mentor as well as the student, in order to be more accessible. This is the reason why you will find such a sizeable community, focused on building themes and plugins that enhance Moodle’s primary capabilities.

Moodle is a trademark of Martin Dougiamas and is not affiliated with Host Matrix Global.

Online Learning Linux Website Hosting Services

Once you begin focusing on a brand new project, the quicker it becomes accessible on the www, the better. Right here at Host Matrix Global we wish to enable you to succeed. Because of this we have introduced optimized Online Learning Linux website hosting solutions. Every one of our Online Learning Linux website hosting packages includes an absolutely free domain name registration or transfer. We will furthermore instantly install and configure Moodle instead of you.

Together with Host Matrix Global’s Online Learning Linux website hosting products, you don’t have to bother about the hosting part at all – we provide you with safe and secure Linux website hosting. You will receive a 99.9% service uptime guarantee. Additionally we supply you with unlimited disk space, unlimited traffic and unrestricted MySQL storage. And in addition, the technical support is there to aid you 24/7.

A Point & Click Web Control Panel

To help make the supervision of your Moodle school portal even easier, we’ve designed our own tailor made Web Control Panel. It’s accessible in more than 10 languages and fuses site administration and domain management in a single location. It’s moreover developed to live completely in the cloud and provides swiftness and security greater than those of similar control panels.

Our Control Panel is brimming with 100 percent free functions and bonuses. Using our Online Learning Linux website hosting plan, you can have Moodle set up by default. By employing our control panel, you’re able to install any one of over 40 popular web apps for instance Joomla and Wordpress with absolutely no setup required, through our App Installer. On top of that, you’re able to use the Website Accelerator Tools to considerably speed up your websites. Our Stats Manager will begin operating immediately, with no need to include any tracking code to your sites.